Sonoma, CA: Driven by what he described to police as "a lot of pain," a Sonoma man was arrested Aug. 21, for the repeated theft from Lucky's supermarket of Jägermeister. The Jägermeister man was never seen stealing a bottle because he never did: he drank all his illicit booze onsite.
The man took a bottle from its shelf in the store's liqueur aisle, looked furtively around, opened the bottle, chugged some of the herb-infused concoction, put it back and left. He was detained by the LPO, who called police, and then reviewed tapes from the store's security cameras which revealed at least two previous visits by the man with Jägermeister on his mind. On one of the tapes he was seen removing the familiar green bottle, taking it to the frozen food aisle where he consumed a healthy dose, returned the bottle to its shelf and left. Asked to explain his attachment to Jägermeister, which is used as a "digestif" in Germany, the man said he had a lot of pain and suffered from a variety of medical problems and, he added, "an alcohol problem."
He then apologized to store personnel and the police, who cited him for petty theft and released him. {source:
sonoma news}